The Chief Minister, Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, said that while loans were given at low interest during the rule of former chief minister Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, they were now providing interest-free loans. He said that the Congress government was committed to provide better governance to people. Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy addressed Praja-patham meetings at Railway Kodur and Rajampet in Kadapa district on Saturday.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that they were not against implementation of schemes introduced by YSR and added that they were correcting lapses in them. He said that while 25 paise interest loans and low interest farm loans were given during YSR rule, they were giving interest-free loans.Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy said that Rs.11,500 crore would be given as interest-free loans to women this year. Farmers would also be given Rs.31,000 crore interest-free loans, he added.
The Chief Minister said that the government had paid Rs.8,000 crore pending dues relating to students of YSR rule. He said that help is being provided to 27 lakh students for study.
Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy said that during his two-year rule Rs.590 crore loans were given to farmers, compared Rs.800 crore loans during the six-year YSR rule. While YSR had introduced Rs.2-a-kg rice scheme, he had introduced Rs.1-kg rice scheme, the Chief Minister said. He said that the rice scheme is being implemented for 7.5 crore people.
Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy said that employment was provided to 5 lakh youth under Rajiv Yuvakiranalu scheme. He said that 7,000 persons were appointed as village revenue officers and assistants.
The Chief Minister said that the government was spending Rs.5,500 crore for purchasing power at Rs.9 to Rs.10 per unit and supplying it at lower rates to farmers, people and industries. He said that power tariff was hiked due to unavoidable circumstances and added that no burden was imposed on those consuming up to 100 units.
He alleged that Opposition parties were creating ruckus on the issue. He said that steps were being taken to help women in all sectors and Mee Seva centres were started to issue certificates to people.
Rajampet MP A. Sai Pratap, district in-charge minister Kanna Lakshmi-narayana, state ministers C. Ramachandraiah, Md. Ahmedullah and others were present.
from DC