The actor-turned-politician who has unsuccessfully contested as PRP candidate to Lok Sabha from Rajahmundry has been keeping away from politics ever since. It is learnt that he is likely to join the YSR Congress and lead the party’s campaign in the pockets of his influence in the ensuing general elections. Talking to the media at Mogalturu, his native village in West Godavari district, Krishnam Raju has said he would be contesting during the 2014 elections.
Krishnam Raju has talked to his supporters in Mogalturu on Wednesday where he has announced his decision to re-enter active politics. He told them that looking at the problems faced by the people, he was inclined to once again play an active role in politics. He has announced that he would be contesting in the next general elections.
It is learnt that Krishnam Raju has decided to join the Jagan bandwagon and has also agreed to ensure the victory of his candidates in the district and the neighboring East Godavari. It is learnt that he has already spoken to his supporters and former BJP and PRP leaders close to him about the prospects of the victory of YSRC candidates in Kakinada (East Godavari) and Narsapuram (West Godavari) constituencies.